Monday, May 31, 2010

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Standard Class (4 days)


Fixed departures 2010: Every Day



* We will depart from Cuzco and travel to Urubamba, stopping briefly at Ollaytaytambo, where you can buy last minute gear and personal items.
* Then we move on to Piskacuchu (Km 82) and the start of the Inca Trail.
* We will have lunch in Miskay and relax a bit before hiking to our first campsite.
* Along the way, we will visit the Llactapata archeological site.
* Camp


* We'll start the day early in the morning with a hearty breakfast, and then hike up to the highest point of the Inca Trail. Here, we can see the various ecological zones and microclimates, which make up the area, literally mapped out in front of us.
* We will cross the Warmiwañusca pass at 4,200 meters / 13,780 feet above sea level.
* After lunch we will continue on to the Pacaymayo campsite, where we will enjoy dinner and a well-deserved rest.
* Camp


* Day 3 begins with a nutritious breakfast and then a 45-minute hike up to the second highest pass on the Trail (3,850 meters / 12,631 feet above sea level). Along the way we will visit the Runcuracay archeological site.
* During the day's hike, we will also visit the Sayacmarca and Phuyupatamarca archaeological complexes.
* After lunch we will head to the Wiñay Wayna archaeological complex, where we will spend our last night on the Trail.
* Camp


* After an early breakfast, we begin the final leg of the trek to the lost city of Machu Picchu.
* First, we will hike to Inti Punku ("Sun Gate"), where we will take in an inspiring and panoramic view of the Machu Picchu Inca citadel.
* After a short hike down to Machu Picchu, we will register and then enjoy a 3-hour guided tour of the sanctuary-city.
* After the tour of Machu Picchu, we will take the bus down to Machu Picchu Town (Aguas Calientes), where we will enjoy a buffet lunch and free time to enjoy the town before returning to Cuzco by train.


* The Government office assigns us to campsites
* People who want to visit Huayna Picchu must let us know as soon as they can, because according to new rules, there is a limit of people (400) per day that can climb it.
* Group Size: 2 - 16 people


* US $ 12 Sleeping bag rental (-10°C) for the whole trek
* US $ 60 Personal porter for the whole trek ( 15 kilos / 33 lbs )
* US $ 15 single tent accommodation
* Overnight in Machu Picchu Town (Aguas Calientes): US $ 25 Single room (per night)
* Overnight in Machu Picchu Town (Aguas Calientes): US $ 40 Double room (per night)


* Transportation to and from: Hotel - Km. 82 (Piscaycucho) / Train station- Hotel
* Bus Ticket: Machu Picchu - Aguas Calientes
* Guide: Professional English and Spanish speaking guide; 2 guides for groups over 9 people
* Cook: In charge of meal preparation
* Porters: Carry tents and cooking equipment
* Meals: 3 Breakfasts/3 Lunches/3 Dinners/3 Snacks and afternoon tea
* Ticket: Inca Trail & Machu Picchu
* Equipment: tents (2 people in each, 3-person-capacity), sleeping pad, dinner tent, kitchen tent, tables and chairs, table settings, first aid kit, including emergency oxygen bottle
* Backpacker Train Service: Aguas Calientes to Cuzco Train Station

Not Include:

* Breakfast (day 1), usually hotels offer this service
* Sleeping bag
* Accommodation in Cuzco
* Flight tickets
* Airport Taxes
* Tips

# Expiration date: 31/12/2010
# All rates are per person, in US $ dollars.

Price Per person - Double tent basis 400.00

Price Per person - Single tent basis 400.00

Royal Inca Trail (2 days)


Fixed departures 2010: Every Day.


* At 5:40 a.m., we pick you up at your hotel for our short shuttle to Cuzco's San Pedro train station.
* The train ride covers 104 kilometers / 64.6 miles (4 hours)
* Then we set out on our trek to the Wiñay Wayna archeological complex, Machu Picchu and then onward to the town of Aguas Calientes, where we will spend the night in a charming little hostel.
Box lunch


* At 6:30 a.m., we will take the first bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu and arrive at Machu Picchu at 7:00 a.m.
* We will enjoy a professionally guided 2.5-hour visit of the great Machu Picchu sanctuary-city. There is also an optional hike for the more energetic and adventurous people in the group, to the top of Huayna Picchu Mountain - the pyramid-shaped peak that overlooks Machu Picchu.
* After our visit, we will take the bus back down to Aguas Calientes, where we can enjoy a relaxing bath at the local hot springs.
* In the afternoon we will take the 3:55 p.m. train back to Cuzco, arriving at approximately 8:30 p.m.
* We will shuttle you from the Cuzco train station to your hotel by private bus.

Group Size: 2 -16 people.


* Transportation to and from: Hotel -Train station- Hotel
* Backpacker Train Service: Cusco - Km. 104 (Chachabamba) / Aguas Calientes - Cusco
* Guide: Professional English and Spanish speaking guide; 2 guides for groups over 9 people
* Personal Porter: Carry backpacks, sleeping bags and mattresses (Max. 6 kilos/ 13 lbs per person)
* Meals: 1 Box Lunch/ 1 Lunch / 1 dinner / 1 Breakfast/Snacks
* Ticket: Inca Trail & Machu Picchu
* Bus ticket: Machu Picchu - Aguas Calientes (1st day)
* Bus ticket: Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu - Aguas Calientes (2nd day)
* Hostel: Double accommodation in Aguas Calientes

Not Include:

* Breakfast (day 1), usually the hotels offer this service
* Lunch ( 2nd day)

# Expiration date: 31/12/2010
# All rates are per person, in US $ dollars.

Price Per person - Double room basis US370.00

Choquequirao Trek (5 days)

Choquequirao Trek (5 days)


Fixed Departures 2010: Every Day.



* We will leave Cuzco bright and early at 4:00 a.m.
* We will arrive at the town of Cachora at 7:30 a.m., where we will enjoy breakfast and meet up with our wranglers and arrange our equipment, mules, and horses. It is a 2-hour hike to Capuliyoc (2,915 meters / 9,564 feet above sea level) from where we can enjoy our first beautiful views of the Apurimac Valley stretching out below and the snow-capped peaks of Padrayoc and Wayna Cachora above.
* We will then descend toward Coca Masana (2,330 meters / 7,644 feet above sea level) where the climate becomes noticeably warmer and the flora and fauna begin to change.
* Finally we arrive at Playa Rosalina (Rosalina Beach) at 1,550 meters / 5,085 feet above seal level, right beside the raging Apurimac River, where we will set up camp and spend the night.


* Day 2 is the toughest of our 5-day hike.
* After an early breakfast, we will climb a steep trail. Our 5-hour hike will take us to Raqaypata beside the Chunchullumayo River, where we will enjoy a late lunch and a well deserved rest. Along the way, we will have the chance to see orchids, wild flowers, and a number of bird species.
* From Raqaypata to Choquequirao (3,035 meters / 9,957 feet above sea level) it is a 2-hour hike, and we will arrive at the Choquequirao archaeological site in time to enjoy the sunset and maybe even the opportunity to see a condor flying nearby.
* Our campsite will be just outside the Choquequirao ruins.


* Day 3 will be dedicated to exploring the incredible Choquequirao archeological complex. Our guide will explain the history and importance of the site and afterwards we will have free time to visit the various sectors of the archeological complex.
* Late in the afternoon we will start the return trek and we will make camp at Raqaypata


* After breakfast we will continue our return journey, beginning with a steep descent down to the Apurimac River where we will stop and have lunch.
* In the afternoon, we will climb for approximately 4 hours and then make camp at Coca Masana.


* Day 5 will be the last of our trek, we will get to appreciate the canyon through which the Apurimac River flows and we will take a new trail that crosses the throat of the canyon. We will have an impressive view of the canyon from Wayna Qalli - considered to be one of the most spectacular in South America.
* We will ultimately arrive at Cachora and take our bus back to Cuzco.

* Campsites are subject to change according to the size of the group.

Shared service


* US $ 12 Sleeping bag (-10°C) for the whole trek
* US $ 15 single accommodation


* Transfer in – out: Cuzco – Cachora – Cuzco (private bus)
* Guide: Professional English and Spanish speaking guide; 2 guides for groups over 12 people
* Cook: In charge of meal preparation
* Horsemen and horses: Carry tents, cooking equipment and also carry backpacks, sleeping bags and mattresses (Max. 6 kilos)
* Emergency Horse: Just in case someone needs help
* Entrance fee to Choquequirao
* Meals: 5 Breakfasts / 5 Lunches / 4 Dinners / Snacks and afternoon tea
* Equipment: tents (2 people in each 3-person-capacity ), dinner tent, toilet tent, kitchen tent, tables and chairs, table settings, first aid kit, including emergency oxygen bottle

Not Include:

* Sleeping bag
* Accommodation in Cuzco
* Flight tickets
* Airport Taxes
* Tips

# Expiration date: 31/12/2010
# All rates are per person, in US $ dollars.

Price Per person - Double tent basis 410.00

Price Per person - Single tent basis 435.00

Salkantay - Machu Picchu Trek (5 days)

Salkantay - Machu Picchu Trek (5 days)

Fixed departure 2010: Every Day.



* At 6:00 AM we'll pick you up from your selected hotel.
* We'll leave by our private transport to Mollepata (2,800 meters). We will enjoy a beautiful scenic journey through Limatambo, stopping for panoramic views of the Apurimac Valley, where you can have a breakfast in a typical restaurant.
* After that we'll drive 1 hour to our trailhead at Sayllapata (3,200 meters), where we'll meet our “arrieros” (horsemen) and trek staff.
* For 2 1/2 hrs, we will hike through traditional Andean communities like Cruzpata, Challacancha, and Soraypampa (3,750 meters), before stopping for lunch.
* After another 4 hours, we'll arrive at our first campsite at Soyrococha (4,200 meters).


* On the second day we'll ascend to the highest point of our trek, Salkantay Pass (4,600 meters). From this point we can appreciate the special views of Salkantay Mountain, a stunning snow-capped peak (6,271 meters).
* We will have 3 hours of walking with spectacular views of the mountains Humantay and Huayanay, small lakes and moraines before arriving at our lunch site, Huayraqmachay (3,700meters).
* Then we'll descend for 3 1/2 hrs to our second campsite, Colpabamba (2,600 meters).
* Camp


* On the third day, the group will have 4 hours of easy, downhill hiking.
* We will be introduced to a high jungle location called "Ceja de Selva", where coffee, coca and fruits plantations can be observed. There will be time to shower in a waterfall, take amazing pictures, and with luck we can observe the famous Peruvian National Bird "Gallito de las Rocas".
* We will stop at Playa (2,250 meters) for lunch and then enjoy a free afternoon.
* Camp


* After breakfast at 6:00 AM, we will take local transportation for 20 minutes to Lucmabamba.
* From there we start our fourth day’s hike, climbing for almost 3 1/2 hours to a recently discovered Incan place called Llactapata (2,700 meters), or 'high town' in Quechua.
* From there we have the first view of Machu Picchu, free time to enjoy the scenery, and then we descend to Hidroelectrica Train Station (Km 116), where we will have a delicious lunch.
* We continue walking for two hours more to Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu Town) (2,000 meters), where we will spend the night in a hotel.


* We will take an early walk or bus to the citadel of Machu Picchu for a 2-hour guided tour, plenty of additional free time to explore, and an optional climb to the mountain Huayna Picchu, Temple of the Moon, or the Sun Gate.
* After that, you will take the bus down to Aguas Calientes.
* At approx 4:00 pm, we will take our return train, arriving around 8:40 pm in the city of Cuzco.

Group Size: 2 - 16 people


* US $ 10 Sleeping bag rental (-10°C) for the whole trek
* US $ 20 single accommodation


* Transportation to and from: Cuzco / Sayllapata and Train station Cuzco / Hotel
* Backpacker train service: Aguas Calientes / Cuzco
* Entrance fees: Salkantay and Machu Picchu
* Bus ticket: Aguas Calientes / Machu Picchu / Aguas Calientes
* Local bus: Playa / Lucmabamba
* Hostel: Double accommodation in Aguas Calientes (4th day)
* Guide: Professional English and Spanish speaking guide; 2 guides for groups

over 12 people
* Cook: In charge of meal preparation
* Horsemen and horses: Carry tents, cooking equipment and also carry backpacks, sleeping bags and mattresses (Max. 6 kilos/ 13 lbs per person)
* Emergency Horse: Just in case someone needs help
* Meals: 4 Breakfasts / 4 Lunches / 4 Dinners / Snacks and afternoon tea
* Equipment: tents (2 people in each, 3-person-capacity), sleeping pad, dinner tent, toilet tent, kitchen tent, tables and chairs, table settings, first aid kit, including emergency oxygen bottle

Not Include:

* Breakfast the 1st day, usually hotels offer this service
* Sleeping bag
* Accommodation in Cuzco
* Flight tickets
* Airport Taxes
* Tips
* Entrances to Park ($127)

# Expiration date: 31/12/2010
# All rates are per person, in US $ dollars.

PRICE PER PERSON Double tent basis : US$300.00

How to arrive to Machu Picchu?

Walking, "The Inca trail"
For those that have about seven exclusive days for the visit to Machu Picchu and also are adventure lovers, the walk through the "Inca trail" is recommended. This route has become the favorite of many tourists and only last year, more than 15 thousand people followed these roads to arrive to Machu Picchu.

This hiking begins in the 82 kilometer of the railroad Cusco - Aguas Calientes, in Ollantaytambo. Leaded by guides and in groups not smaller than 10; you arrive to Machu Picchu after 4 days, after traveling 40 kms. (24.85 miles) by the old Inca stone road, on the edge of the Urubamba canyon. The road crosses the Inca ruins of Patallacta, Huallabamba, Runku Rakay, Sayacmarca, Phuyu Pata Marca and Wiñaywayna. Besides captivating natural landscapes, water falls, tunnels, abundant flora and fauna, amid the exuberant vegetation for being near the forest, with view to the snowy mountains, and with pure air free of any vestige of contamination; ideal for birdwatching. The service of mountain guides, includes all the equipment, feeding, tents, carriers, etc.

Exist routes for hiking of smaller duration; one that leaves from the 104 km. of the railroad crosses the ruins of Wiñaywayna and after few hours you arrive to Machu Picchu.

In all these routes lodgings of "Instituto Nacional de Cultura" (National Institute of Culture) exist where you can spend the night, and the roads are signaled, in spite of it, it is recommended to hire the services of experienced mountain guides.

By Train
The traditional and most frequent is by train from Cusco to the station of Aguas Calientes. This service offers the following categories

"Autovagón" (Main wagon) (US $55): Daily departures at 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., boarding service, lunches; return at 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. the trip lasts an average of 3 hours and it is direct.

The train has the "Inca car" (US$45), "Pullman" (US$34) and the "Express" (US $19). Departures Monday to Saturday, at 6:25 a.m., 8:40 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Return to Cusco at 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. The trip lasts a little more than 3 hours, and it makes stops in some intermediate towns.

When arriving to Aguas Calientes, small buses can be taken that ascend the mountain and transport you to the citadel.

The train line runs parallel to some parts of the Urubamba River, and the trip itself is a show for the beautiful landscapes that you observe.

Another option is a flight in a helicopter from Cusco to Aguas Calientes, ideal for those who only have little time and a better budget.